Monday, February 15, 2010

More Snow.....

Last night after we got home from Reach Group it started to snow. This is what we had this morning when we got up. I can not believe this is the 4th snow fall we have had this year. Here are the girls running around in it before school this morning.

This afternoon it snowed a little more. This is what it looked like at it hardest. I can not image what it would have looked like had it snowed for hours like this.

As much as I love snow I have to admit that I am ready for warmer weather :)

Valentine's Day

Here are the girls getting their valentine's ready for school. Abby did a great job of writing her name on all her cards to give out. Allie did about 6 and told me her hand was tired. Abby picked out Toy Story valentines and Allie picked The Princess and The Frog.

Yum! Abby enjoying a extra sucker from her valentines.

Sunday morning we gave the girls their Valentines. We got them a Toy Story heart with candy and a Toy Story activity book. Raymond picked up a frog balloon for both of the girls as well. When he gave the girls their balloons Abby said look we have Princess and the Frog balloons. They really came from Dollar Tree but we won't tell her :) The look on her face is princess, she truly loves balloons.

After church we let the girls pick where we would go to lunch. Anyone who knows the girls will not be surprised that they picked Wendy's.

The girls and I got Raymond some Reese Peanut Butter Cups and Raymond gave me Harry Connick Jr tickets!

February 8th snow day pictures

After trying for 3 days to upload pictures I have finally gotten them to upload. I had to do them one at a time but at least I am back to blogging my pictures.

More snow pics from Monday, Feb.8th



Abby and the snow hills she made

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Another Snow Day

Monday morning when Raymond got up he wondered why it was brighter than normal outside at 6:30am. When he looked outside it saw that it was snowing, again. This was the 3rd winter weather event we have had this winter. I knew the girls would be so excited to see. When they got up a little after 7 this was Allie's reaction to seeing the snow. Priceless!

After breakfast we put on our layers of snow clothes and out we went.

I bought the girls a shovel, rack, hoe set to play with the spring and it came in very handy with making snow hills.

I have more pictures to post but for some reasons I can not get blogger to upload them. I will try again in another post.


Friday morning we woke up to freezing rain and sleet. It turned to snow for a while and then back to freezing rain. Saturday I let the girls go outside and play in the "snow".

The girls ice skating on our yard. The ice did not even crack under their feet.

more ice skating

After playing outside we went in and had hot chocolate AKA warm chocolate milk

Conversation with Abby

On the way to church last Wednesday night this was my conversation with Abby:

Abby: Mommy, what is our score?
Me: What?
Abby: Are we playing tonight?
Me: you mean the Tigers?
Abby: Yes, what is our score?
Me: We have not started playing yet.
Abby: Oh, who are we playing?
Me: I don't know. Let's find out (so I turn on the radio and listen for a few minutes) Abby we are playing Marshall.
Abby: What are they?
Me: The Thundering Herd
Abby: What is a thundering herd?
Me: Kinda like a group of bulls or cows.
Abby: oh, so they are the cows
Me: Sorta (I am not going to try to explain this any further)
A few seconds later
Abby: What color do they wear?
Me: Green
Abby: What color are we going to wear?
Me: We will wear blue & white tonight and Marshall will wear white and green
Abby: oh...