Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Lucky One

Tuesday night I stayed up till 12:30 to finish The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks. I have always liked his books and it seems he always has a book come out around the end of September or first of October, which always makes a great birthday gift. Nichols Sparks books and ones by John Grisham are the 2 authors that I pretty much read every book they write. I am not in to nonfiction books, but to be honest I am not sure what type of books I am in to. I like to read but I wonder why I don't make more time to do so. I currently have 2 books on my night stand, both by Grisham. My favorite book is to Kill a Mockingbird but I have not read it since high school.

Anyway, The Lucky One was ok. I had gotten mad at the last book he wrote while reading it, The Choice. If you read Nichols Sparks books you know how he likes to have the main characters die on you or makes you wait till the last page to find out if the main character is alive or dead. But, in the latest book.....I don't want to ruin it for anyone. Anyway, I get so drawn into his books that all I do is read till I finish it. I got this on Saturday, I even started reading it in the checkout line at Sam's. Maybe I should make more time to read. Funny, I say that about my other hobbies as well (scrapbooking and sewing).

1 comment:

  1. I too love to read. I got hooked on a couple of different authors this summer (I think I read about 50 books this summer, I was reading 1 in a couple of days and moving on to the next one as fast as possible). I really like Jodi Picoult, Charles Martin (The Dead Don't Dance and Maggie are great, read them in that order as they go together). Kristin Hannah is good too. I am reading Picture Perfect by Jodi Picoult right now. I just finished Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult. Have you read The Shack? I am on the waiting list at the library for that one. I have heard good and bad things about but am going to read it and form my own opinion :)
