Tuesday, August 4, 2009

VBS- Highland Style

Last week was VBS at Highland. It was suppose to be back in June but storms came through and Harding Academy (where we are currently meeting) lost power. Another great thing about VBS this year was Highland offered meals before VBS. We were able to take advantage of 2 nights of these wonderful, I did not have to cook, meals. Thursday night we had storms come through again so dinner was grilled up under the patio and the smoke from the grill caused the fire alarm to go off. Memphis firefighters came and we all had to leave the building, well on our way out we were told we could go back in. All went well until right before snack time when the power went out. Our Children's minister and the other adults did a great job getting all the kids out to the front of the building so parents could pick up their kids. We had a great time at VBS! Here are some pictures from VBS.

Abby, Allie and Ammie walking to class

Craft time

This year the kids learned about Esther.

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