Friday, June 18, 2010

Highland Church of Christ VBS

This week was VBS at church. I loved going to VBS as a child. I remember how each class would compete to see who could be the quietest class coming out of their classroom for singing. Lance Foster, who was our preacher, would lead us in songs and each night he would ask us a Bible trivia question and we would bring the answer the following night and place it in the answer box. After signing we would go and have cookies and Kool-aid in the fellowship building and on Friday night we would get ice cream sandwiches. As teenagers we got out to the fellowship building and have class with Mr. Tracy. I so enjoyed VBS as a kid and earlier teen and I hope that the girls will have wonderful memories of their days going to VBS at Highland.

Our theme for VBS this week was Walking on SONshine...And don't it feel good. Each night before VBS we had dinner at church. Allie discovered that she liked Mrs. Michelle's grilled chicken.

Abby getting her name tag

Allie & Ammie playing before class
VBS Drama - The Pharisees trying to come up with a way to trap Jesus

Zacchaeus in the tree waiting for Jesus

Jesus talking to the disciples and "the crowd"

Zacchaeus come down from that tree

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