Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pouncer Pals Walk-a-Round

Saturday's Football game was the Annual Pouncer Pal's Walk-a-Round Game.  This is when we get to go out on the field and walk a round as the band finished their pre-game show.  I think Raymond and I enjoy it more than girls.  Also I believe my children switched personalities for this game.  Abby was excited to go around the field but not Allie.  Abby even asked where the fireworks were, REALLY???  Where are the fireworks, coming from the child that is deathly afraid of them??? Anyway, this part of the evening was fun.  As soon as we got to the tailgate party before the game the wind picked up and started blowing and did not stop. It got really cool, really fast.  As you can see in the pictures we were not prepared for the drop in temperatures.  Allie got interviewed by Tiger TV for and pouncer pals.  I am not sure if they will make the final cut for what will placed on the website or not.

Abby brought Bullseye to the game with her.

Raymond listening to the UT/LSU Game while waiting to go down the tunnel onto the field.

The Girls and Ammie

We left at halftime, it was just to COLD. It turned out to be a good thing with the way the game ended up, the Tigers lost by 40 points (that is not a typo, it was 40pts).  We enjoyed the rest of our evening at home in our warm house watching the Alabama/Florida game.

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