Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Monday our cat, Kitty, starting showing signs of being sick, by early Monday evening she was really sick.  She was very lethargic, had not eaten or had water all day, got sick and gotten stuck in the bathtub.  She would walk a little and stop and lay down and would cry all the time.  She had been crying a lot more lately but we just thought she was getting old and fussy.  At one point I put my hand under her head and body and pulled her out from under our bed and she did not fight me or move when I did so.  I picked her up and put her on her pillow at the foot of our bed and she just cried when I picked her up.  She was a very sick kitty.  She did not move much during the night and only got up once and I had to help her back up on the bed. 

Tuesday morning I called the Vet and took her in.  She had an infection, dehadyated, the beginning of kidney failure and something was causing her kidneys to press down on her colon and make it have a different shape than what it was suppose to have.  We had to decide if we wanted to treat her and hope the treatments worked or put her down.  I cried all afternoon and went back and forth about what to do, I am still second guessing what we decide to do.  I did not want her to be in pain while we tried to figure out what was causing her issues, and if the treatments did not work we would be back in this same position within a few days.  We decided to end her pain and not have her suffer anymore.  Kitty was between 15 and 16 years old.  Tuesday ranks up there as one of the worst days ever!  I have had Kitty with me when I was trying to have a baby and did not know if I would be able to.....I had Kitty with me when I cried when Raymond had cancer.....I had Kitty love on me when times were good and bad.  Kitty was mine and the girls first pet.   We will miss her very much!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry about your sweet Kitty. I'm sure you made the right decision ... you knew her the best! So tough ... I can't imagine!
