Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I love the summer Olympics! I love the gymnastics, swimming, and diving. I have even got my girls into wanting to watch them. Way to go USA Men last night. Yes, I stayed up way to late to watching them win the bronze metal. Looking forward to the ladies tonight. Abby ask to watch gymnastics this morning. I think I need to find a gymnastics class for them. While watching it the other night they started "playing gymnastics". They have also been playing swimming inside since it is cooler than normal for August. Hopefully tomorrow we be able to get into the pool. They will put their bathroom stools out in the middle of the floor and jump to the ground and swim on the floor. It is so cute. Today, I taught them that when they jump off the stool when playing gymnastics they have to stick their landing and hold their arms up for the judges. I gotta get a picture of this.

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